Multifaith Religious Holiday Calendar
Aug. 18 Aug. 30 |
Thursday Friday |
**Sri Krishna Jayanti (date may vary) Recommended Accommodations: Avoid scheduling major academic deadlines on this day, since it is likely that Hindu students will be operating on very little sleep. Some may fast during the first day. |
Hinduism |
Aug. 24 Aug. 31 |
Wednesday Wednesday |
Paryushan Mahaarva Religious accommodations: Jain students and employees may be fasting. 8 day festival. |
Jainism |
Sep. 25 Sep. 27 |
Sundown-Sun Sundown-Tues |
**Rosh Hashanah (first 2 days) Recommended Accommodations: Avoid scheduling important academic deadlines, events, or activities on this date. If planning an event, provide food accommodation as requested (kosher restrictions apply). |
Judaism |
Sept. 26 Oct. 5 |
Monday Wednesday |
Navaratri 9 night celebration |
Hinduism |
Oct. 4 Oct. 5 |
Sundown-Tues Sundown-Wed |
**Yom Kippur Recommended Accommodations: Avoid scheduling important academic deadlines, events, or activities on this date. Jewish students and employees may be fasting all day. |
Judaism |
Oct. 7 Oct. 8 |
Sundown-Fri Sundown-Sat |
Mawlid al-Nabi (dates can vary by a day) Muslim students and employees may be fasting. |
Islam |
Oct. 9 Oct. 16 |
Sundown-Sun Sundown-Sun |
**Sukkot Recommended Accommodations: Avoid scheduling important academic deadlines, events, or activities on the first two days. Eve and first day are non-working for Reform Jews; Eve, first and second days are non-working for Orthodox Jews. |
Judaism |
Oct. 16 Oct. 18 |
Sundown-Sun Sundown-Tues |
**Shemini Atzeret **Simchat Torah Recommended Accommodations: Avoid scheduling important academic deadlines, events, or activities on this date. If planning an event, provide food accommodation as requested (kosher restrictions apply). |
Judaism |
Oct. 24 | Monday | Diwali (Deepavali) Religious Accommodation:. Hindu employees will likely request the day off on this date. |
Jainism, Sikhism, Hinduism |
Oct. 25 Oct. 26 |
Sundown-Tues Sundown-Wed |
**Birth of the Báb Recommended Accommodations: Avoid scheduling important academic deadlines, events, or activities on this date. Baha’i employees suspend work on this day and will likely request to have this day off. |
Bahá’í |
Oct. 26 Oct. 27 |
Sundown-Wed Sundown-Thurs |
**Birth of Bahá’u’lláh Recommended Accommodations: Avoid scheduling important academic deadlines, events, or activities on this date. Baha’i employees suspend work on this day and will likely request to have this day off. |
Bahá’í |
Nov. 8 | Tuesday | Gurpurab Religious accommodations: Sikhs celebrate the birth of Guru Nanak. |
Sikhism |
Dec. 18 Dec. 26 |
Sundown-Sun Sundown-Mon |
Hanukkah/Chanukah Recommended Accommodations: Academics and work permitted. Provide food accommodation as requested (kosher restrictions apply—potato pancakes, doughnuts or other fried food is customary). |
Judaism |
Dec. 25 | Sunday | Christmas Recommended Accommodations: Avoid scheduling important academic deadlines, events, or activities on this date. Christian employees will likely request to have this day off. |
Christianity (RC, P, O) |
Dec. 26 Jan. 1 |
Monday Sunday |
**Kwanzaa Recommended Accommodations: Avoid scheduling important academic deadlines, events, or activities on this date. African American employees will likely request to have this day off. |
African American |
Jan. 1 | Sunday | Gantan-sai Recommended Accommodations: Avoid scheduling important academic deadlines, events and activities on this date (work holiday) |
Shintoism |
Jan. 7 | Saturday | Feast of the Nativity (Christmas) Religious accommodations: Many Eastern Orthodox employees will probably request this day off. |
Christianity (O) |
Jan. 22 | Sunday | **Chinese New Year Year of the Rabbit. Recommended Accommodations: Avoid scheduling important academic deadlines, events, and activities on this date. Chinese employees may request this day off. |
Confucianism, Daoism, Buddhism |
Feb. 22 | Wednesday | Ash Wed, Lent begins (food accommodation as requested) |
Christianity (RC, P) |
Feb. 27 Apr. 8 |
Monday Saturday |
Great Lent begins/Clean Monday Note: Students and employees may be fasting. |
Christianity (O) |
Mar. 2 Mar. 20 |
Thursday Monday |
**‘Alá’ (Loftiness) 19-day fast, sunrise to sunset each day. Recommended Accommodations: Avoid scheduling important academic deadlines, events and activities on the date. Bahá’ís students and employees may be fasting. |
Bahá’í |
Mar. 6 Mar. 7 |
Sundown-Mon Sundown-Tues |
Purim Recommended Accommodations: Purim is not subject to the restrictions on work that affect some other holidays; however, some sources indicate that Jews should not go about their ordinary business at Purim out of respect for the festival. If planning an evening event, provide food accommodations if requested (kosher restrictions apply). |
Judaism |
Mar. 8 | Wednesday | Holi – Festival of Colors (date may vary) Note: Celebrated over 2 days by people throwing colored powder and colored water. |
Hinduism |
Mar. 20 Mar. 21 |
Sundown-Mon Sundown-Tues |
Naw-Rúz The Baha’i New Year’s Day coincides with the spring equinox. Naw-Rúz is an ancient Persian festival celebrating the “new day” and for Baha’is it marks the end of the annual 19-Day Fast and is one of the nine holy days of the year when work is suspended and children are exempted from attending school. |
Bahá’í |
Mar. 22 Apr. 21 |
Sundown-Wed Sundown-Fri |
**Ramadan begins Recommended Accommodations: Avoid scheduling major academic deadlines during this time. Be sensitive to the fact that students and employees celebrating Ramadan will be fasting during the day (continuously for 30 days) and will likely have less stamina as a result. If planning an evening event, provide food accommodations if requested (Islamic dietary restrictions apply). |
Islam |
Apr. 2 | Sunday | Palm Sunday Recommended Accommodations: Avoid scheduling important academic deadlines, events and activities. Orthodox Christian employees that work on Sundays may ask for this day off. |
Christianity (RC, P, O) |
Apr. 5 Apr. 13 |
Sundown-Wed Sundown-Thurs |
**Pesach/Passover (first two and last two days) Recommended Accommodations: Avoid scheduling important academic deadlines, events and activities on the first two and last two days of the holiday, provide food accommodation as requested (kosher restrictions apply—the use of leavening is prohibited so, for example, matzah is eaten in place of bread.) |
Judaism |
Apr. 7 | Friday | Good Friday Recommended Accommodations: Provide food accommodation as requested. Meat (fish not considered meat) is prohibited during meals for many. |
Christianity (RC, P) |
Apr. 9 | Sunday | Easter Recommended Accommodations: Avoid scheduling important academic deadlines, events and activities. Christian employees that work on Sundays may ask for this day off. |
Christianity (RC, P) |
Apr. 14 | Friday | Mahavira-Jayanti, Vaisakhi Religious accommodation may be requested. |
Jainism, Sikhism, Hinduism |
Apr. 14 | Friday | Holy Friday Recommended Accommodations: Great Fri is a strict day of fasting for many Greek Orthodox Christians in the United States. It is suggested to avoid scheduling important academic deadlines, events and activities. |
Christianity (O) |
Apr. 16 | Sunday | Easter/Pascha Recommended Accommodations: Avoid scheduling important academic deadlines, events and activities. Orthodox Christian employees that work on Suns may ask for this day off. |
Christian (O) |
Apr. 17 Apr. 18 |
Sundown-Mon Sundown-Tues |
Yom HaSho’ah Recommended Accommodations: Academics and work are permitted. Provide food accommodation as requested (kosher restrictions apply). |
Judaism |
Apr. 21 | Friday | Ridván (1st day) of Most Great Festival Recommended Accommodations: Avoid scheduling important academic deadlines, events and activities on the 1st day, 9th day, and 12th day of Ridván as work is suspended for Baha’is. |
Baha’is |
Apr. 21 Apr. 22 |
Sundown-Fri Sundown-Sat |
Eid al-Fitr (date can vary by a day) Recommended Accommodations: Avoid scheduling important academic deadlines, events, or activities on this date. Employees will likely ask to take a vacation day on this day, and that request should be granted if at all possible. If planning an evening event, provide food accommodations if requested (Islamic dietary restrictions apply). |
Islam |
May 23 | Tuesday | Declaration of the Báb Recommended Accommodations: Avoid scheduling important academic deadlines, events and activities. Work is suspended for Baha’is. |
Bahá’í |
May 25 May 26 |
Sundown-Thurs Sundown-Sat |
**Shavuot Recommended Accommodations: Avoid scheduling important academic deadlines, events and activities on the first two and last two days of the holiday. Provide food accommodation as requested. (Kosher restrictions apply—although it is customary to eat dairy). |
Judaism |
May 28 May 29 |
Sundown-Sun Sundown-Mon |
Ascension of Baha’u’lláh Recommended Accommodations: Avoid scheduling important academic deadlines, events and activities. Work is suspended for Baha’is. |
Bahá’í |
May 28 | Sunday | Pentecost | Christianity (RC, P, O) |
June 28 June 29 |
Sundown-Wed Sundown-Thurs |
**Eid al-Adha (date can vary by a day) Recommended Accommodations: Avoid scheduling important academic deadlines, events, and activities on the first day. If planning an evening event, provide food accommodations if requested (Islamic dietary restrictions apply). Date details: Lunar calendars vary based on region and practice. |
Islam |
July 26 July 27 |
Sundown-Wed Sundown-Thurs |
**Tisha B’ Av Recommended Accommodations: Avoid scheduling important academic deadlines, events, or activities on this date. Jewish students and employees may be fasting all day. |
Judaism |