
Welcome to Williams College!

The Chaplains’ Office offers opportunities to deepen your faith and immerse yourself in the Catholic community through retreats, service opportunities, prayer gatherings, academic talks, social events, and cultural celebrations. 

Every Sunday evening at 7:30 PM during the academic year, we gather together as a Catholic community for mass on campus in Thompson Memorial Chapel. Afterwards, many students head downstairs to the Newman Catholic Room for snacks and conversation. We rely upon students to serve as lectors, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, and musicians at our Masses.

If you’d like to get involved, please contact me directly or consider joining Williams Catholic, the registered student organization (RSO) on campus, which is led by students

If you are discerning about becoming Catholic or making your First Holy Communion or Confirmation, we offer preparatory classes (OCIA/RCIA) on campus every year. Please reach out to me if you’d like to speak. I look forward to meeting you.


Bridget Power, Catholic Chaplain