Chaplains’ Office Mission Statement
The Chaplains’ role at Williams is to encourage growth in the spiritual and moral dimensions of human wholeness alongside the College’s attention to growth in the intellectual, physical, emotional, and psychological dimensions of person-hood. The Chaplains are available to serve all students, faculty, staff, and the broader Williams community—inclusive of those with faith, those who claim no faith, and all who seek deeper meaning in life.
- Providing pastoral support and spiritual care, opportunities for meaning making and personal discovery and companionship amidst emerging questions and quests;
- Nurturing the vitality of campus communities of refection, spiritual practice, and worship, supporting students who participate and lead them; and
- Promoting courageous, candid, and transformative dialogue among religious communities and between theologies and other disciplines of intellectual life.
The Chaplains’ Office team:
The Rev. Valerie Bailey, Chaplain to the College, Protestant Chaplain
413-517-5364 Cell
413-597-2483 x2938 Office
Rabbi Seth Wax, Jewish Chaplain
Jewish Life at Williams
413-597-2483 x4717 Office
Bridget Power, Catholic Chaplain
Catholic Life at Williams
413-597-2483 x4497 Office
Sidra Mahmood, Muslim Chaplain
Coming Soon – Muslim Life at Williams
413-597-2483 x4646 Office
The Chaplains’ Office ᐧ Paresky Center ᐧ Room 205 ᐧ 39 Chapin Hall Drive